P 71 75 Real Victory
30. April 2020P 61 68 Quotes
30. April 2020P 69 70 Path of Welfare
[Bhagwat Pujyapaad Sricharyacharan while doing his first four months fast, published the below subtle holy advice for the welfare on all the religious people of 09/06/44 in Pith Bhawan, Jyotirmath]
This is an experience based, proven, indisputable theory that subtle divine power is the regulator and base of gross world – deities are the motivator of intellect, moderator of actions and are the giver of the results of these deeds. Therefore for physical, mental or spiritual any kind of advancement and growth, it is very important that a human being should not only work with the help of his intellect but also should carry out spiritual practices as per the shastras (ancient religious scriptures) by making any of the deities as his devoted God to get the grace of the divine world with infinite power. By doing this the adorable God will become happy in very short time and will fulfil all the wishes of his devotee.
In the Dharma Shastras (series of texts on duties, ethics) there are such orders of customs to carry out spiritual practices by which human being can get divine power and can finish very difficult work very easily. Nothing is impossible for a human being – if he has belief and faith in God in the core of his heart and he has the strong and firm ability to carry out spiritual practices with devotion.
Therefore it is the ultimate responsibility of every human being that he should be engaged in carrying out spiritual practices according to his ability for getting success in this world and in the other world. This is the formula and original solution to get every kind of success – world’s real path of welfare.